Report Abuse

Reports of abuse, whois inaccuracies, or illegal activities about domains registered through SEO Domains EOOD must be sent to:

  • email:
  • phone: +359 2 437 27 05
  • regular mail: Attn.: Vesela Gavrailova, SEO DOMAINS EOOD, Switch CoWorking Space, str. Otets Paisyi 42, 9000 Varna, Bulgaria

We have the capability to receive abuse complaints through all our communication channels. SEO Domains EOOD will promptly acknowledge receipt of the abuse complaint by creating a ticket, and we will proceed to review and investigate it.

We aim to provide an initial response within a maximum of 6 hours. If the complainant provides sufficient documentation, we will respond to them within 24 hours, informing them of the outcome of our investigation and the actions taken. In the absence of adequate documentation, we will provide updates to all parties involved every 24 hours until the situation is resolved. All parties can track the progress of the complaint by accessing the provided link in our emails.

SEO Domains EOOD takes abuse complaints very seriously and is committed to addressing them promptly and effectively. Our team thoroughly investigates each complaint, considering all relevant information and taking appropriate actions to mitigate the issue. We understand the importance of clear and transparent communication and strive to keep all parties informed throughout the resolution process. Our goal is to ensure a satisfactory outcome and maintain a safe and reliable environment for our users.